Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in the fog 前路茫茫的二零一三

My dear roommate send me a birthday wish yesterday, and asked me how's my life now, so this post is to her <3

I was actually very touched when I read your message, to the point that I almost cried (but I didn't bcos I was still at the office), thank you very much roommate! At times I felt really depressed and lost for I could not find the reason, for work and for life in general. Now that I have no time for drawing, and quite often working overtime, I don't know if freedom really exist in reality.
I asked god why did he gave me this challenge, what did I need to learn from this monotonous and robot-like routine? What should I learn from this personal conflict? I thought I have chosen the path that allows ideas to be born, allows awesome humour about life and promote new discoveries and stimulate changes, yet to discover that no one in this world can offer me that path except myself.
Turns out the creative environment is not that creative. No one is crazy except me. And this routine is lethal and blinding. I'm aware of it now, but I might be blend in someday. I don't know how strong my immune system is here.

I'm not sure of anything. But I'm sure there's something I need to learn from this. How do I feed my dreams now?

Intelligence cannot substitute for skills, he say. But in the end, what skills are you talking about? Life is fair. When u work for good design skills you slowly forget about stimulating your ideas. You become what you do. If you don't challenge yourself to get ideas every day you don't expect yourself to be getting good ideas when you need them. Besides, isn't thinking creatively and differently a valuable skill?

That's why it's ideal to do both, actually. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm currently only practicing skill side. He say, brush your skills first, when you've master your skills, you can brainstorm. I doubt it. I mean, if you don't speak a language often, you'll forget it real soon. It's the same logic. The hardest thing is to teach someone how to think. To question every reality.
Design is about solving problems. But at work, we never talk about problems, we never solve anything. We never think about possibilities. All I do now is to take that ready-made solution. I don't even use imagination. My quota is still full at the end of the month.

Balance, emphasis, alignment are design principles. It's the same with life. Am I being impatient? Or simply being awake?

I think I should start to bring one of your sketch book to office, maybe I can draw something during lunch break. Or find some ways to practice and self-learn brainstorming/ imagination. I should definitely practice thinking with the time I'm left with. I should use imagination, without giving a damn.

 At work, I fear failure. But I also fear success. So a day without work is like heaven now. I'm pretty easily contented, haha.  

2013 is going to come to an end. What a year. Not much achievement to be listed. If I really need to mention any, perhaps it was the trip to KL with my sister, which strangely is more meaningful than my graduation. I saw a different world.

It's a time of uncertainties,  possibilities, extremes joy and sorrows, and crucial decisions.
However I feel like this is great and I should enjoy the ride, because I have a feeling everything will turn out well in the end. I have faith and will continue to go through whatever life have to offer =)

"You will become what you want to become, at last"

"At last" just haven't arrived yet.

Rain will meet 'fire' soon.

I think most of the above is just some kind of monologue. I'm surprised of what I write too sometimes. I guess I also figured out some solutions for myself. Thank you for caring so much roommate! May the new year bring you and your family good health and well-being, happiness and peace.


  1. Lydia Pang (Roommate 2010/11 -2012/13) XDDecember 31, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    Dearest roommate,

    I'm so glad to see that, as you write, you found solutions for your situations too! Since you are working now, please do rest well in this New Year holiday! I think the reason you're so overwhelmed with your situation because the workload filled you so much, that you don't have time to process them and think it through and break them into smaller pieces of the puzzle which you can solve, like what you did. So proud of you! :)

    "I think I should start to bring one of your sketch book to office, maybe I can draw something during lunch break. Or find some ways to practise and self-learn brainstorming/ imagination. I should definitely practise thinking with the time I'm left with. I should use imagination, without giving a damn."
    -Yih Charn Loo

    Yes, 'speak it daily'. Creativity is the essence of a designer. Don't let the situation drain away the real you! There must be people out there who will value people who likes to generate ideas like you! But while your boss may be right about sharpening the skills first, you must also not abandon your vision, creativity and imagination. Train both areas, and train them well!! The last thing I remember about any designers is the way they live in the countercurrent! You might go with the flow (do as your boss said) but do it in your way as well!! Our generation, we are a rebellious bunch! Haha..

    You think while you can, when you're not tired! Use up your idle time. It's the exact reason why I bought you those sketch books, for you to jot down ideas as you move through life. I thought every designer brings a sketch book around, everywhere.. Or maybe that's a writer? To jot down inspiration. But I believe you can do the same! And also because I can see the simple happiness, the joy when you're free to draw and express yourself! And why even I can feel that you're happy? It's because you are really happy and you're doing what you love best!! Why are the books blank? They are for you to bring them to life! Don't worry about not having enough time! They are no submissions! It may take you days to complete an idea or a sketch, because you lack time, and you might be too tired, but it will be fulfilling for you! <3 :)

    And I'm glad you manage to settle this before the new year dawns!! Let's put our past behind us and move forward in Life courageously. People can put you down along the way, but the real question is, will you let yourself be put down? Will you allow it? *ahem* Just in case you give me the wrong answer.. I give you a peek at the answer -----> NO!! XD

  2. Same Crazy Person as Above CommentDecember 31, 2013 at 10:09 AM


    Haha, Let's change the way we look at things around us. This, I have to learn too. And learn to see the little blessings in life. And for you, little inspirations to fill your sketch books!! <3 :D

    And when you look back at your year, "Not much achievement to be listed." is what the negative human mind will always tend to think. But a friend taught me to look at it another way when he asked me about my growth in my walk with God. I told him not much growth. He said, "Hey, but be happy, still got grow mah!!". It was like my brain being lit up! It's my turn to tell you, "Hey, be happy, you still achieved something mah!!" :D It's all about perspective isn't it? *winks*

    Haha.. I'm not gonna launch a debate on perspective because I know you learn it so much in Art. But hey, now have to apply a different kind of 'perspective' to life too! And roommate, no matter what you think of your achievements, you have a friend here who is proud to have known you and seen you grow with your dreams since your first year. A person who brought her dream to completion through her hard work and finally graduating from it! Now move on, dream another dream, and no matter how difficult, persevere and bring this next dream to completion! Love you dear roommate! :D <3

    All the Best and Jiayou!! <3 I will pray for joy and peace as you continue to pursue what you love best and also blessings from your family in your chosen path!
    OH, Happy New Year to You and Your Family too! Please send my regards to your family, especially your mum and sis! Haha XD May this 2014 be a start of all New and Great things! Be blessed roommate!

    p.s. Wah didn't realise my reply was so long! I had to break into two comments. Overload d.. Paiseh! XD Thank you for reading! <3 :D
